Withdrawal Policy

ÈȵãºÚÁÏ > Withdrawal Policy

Withdrawal Policy

Voluntary Withdrawals (page 11 of Student Handbook)

A student who decides to withdraw from his or her program of study should consult with the office of Financial Aid and the Bursar, as well as the Registrar. Federal regulations governing financial aid require that any student missing classes for 30 consecutive days must be withdrawn from the program. An official Change of Enrollment Status form must be completed and returned to the Registrar before a withdrawal can be processed. Students who do not enroll for the following trimester must also submit the Change of Enrollment Status form. Forms are available from the office of Student Services. Students that do not submit the required form may be subject to an administrative withdrawal for non-attendance from the Registrar. We strongly encourage students to complete their entire course of study without interruption. Any student who voluntary
withdraws must meet with Financial Aid and the Bursar for exit interview counseling. Students who withdraw from the program may be entitled to a tuition refund, which is outlined on page 23.

Readmission after Voluntary Withdrawal
If a student who has voluntarily withdrawn from the College wishes to re-enroll in the program, he or she is required to enroll under the terms of the current College catalog and enrollment agreement including tuition charges and program requirements. In addition, applicants must submit a letter with any supporting documentation stating the resolution of their withdrawal circumstances.

Re-admission is not automatic and requires an interview with the office of Student Services and/or a determination by an ad hoc Admissions Committee. The student will be responsible for any cost increases or courses that have been added to the program curriculum since his or her prior enrollment. If a student has withdrawn for more than one trimester, he/she must re-apply and pay the application fee. For didactic classes, the College will maintain a student’s earned credits and grades for a period of two years. After the two-year period, however, students must re-apply for admission and will be entitled to the credits previously earned based on written and/or practical exams. If the student previously graduated with a diploma or certificate and returns to complete a degree or another program, he/she will need to complete a new application for Admission and pay the application fee.

The College reserves the right to decline any student for re-admission based on its sole discretion. providing that it doesn’t discriminate based on race, color, national origin, religion, creed, disability, age, marital status, gender, sexual orientation or veteran status.


Reviewed 2023 01