ÈȵãºÚÁÏ’ tutoring program is composed of two programs. Peer tutoring is when students who have successfully completed a course, with a minimum passing grade of an A-, tutor students in a specific course. Faculty tutoring is when an instructor tutors a student in a class in which they feel they need academic support. Faculty tutoring is typically done prior to midterm and final exams. Both types of tutoring provide either one to one assistance and small group support to students in either the School of Massage Therapy or the Graduate School of Oriental Medicine.
The college sponsors these programs for students who wish to obtain additional assistance in any class subject. Assistance is available for all health science classes, massage therapy technique classes and oriental medicine/acupuncture classes.
Q: Who can use the ÈȵãºÚÁÏ tutor program?
The tutor program is available to any student presently enrolled at ÈȵãºÚÁÏ.
Q: Who pays for these tutoring services?
Both the peer tutor and faculty tutoring programs are completely sponsored and paid for by ÈȵãºÚÁÏ.
Q: How long do tutoring sessions last?
The duration of a peer tutoring session is at the discretion of the tutor and the student. Students and tutors are encouraged to meet as often as possible for as long as needed. Faculty tutoring sessions usually run in hour increments, whereas the faculty-run midterm/final exam review sessions usually run for two hours.
Q: What sort of problems can tutors help with?
The tutors can help with explaining concepts, reviewing homework problems, and preparing for upcoming exams.
Q: What class subjects can tutors help me with?
Assistance is available for all health science classes which include:
Massage technique classes which include:
Oriental medicine/acupuncture classes which include:
Q: When and where can I find a tutor?
A list of tutors for a specific class subject can be obtained by contacting the office of Student Services at 1-800-922-7337 ext 509 or Email: acdmserv@nycollege.edu. Peer tutoring sessions take place on campus.
Faculty tutoring and midterm/final exam review session schedules are posted throughout the college and are available by consulting the current tutor schedule.
Q: If I have a complaint about a tutor, or about the program in general, who should I contact?
The ÈȵãºÚÁÏ tutor program works hard to provide students with the best possible assistance. If you have complaints or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact the office of Student Services at 1-800-922-7337 ext 509 or Email: acdmserv@nycollege.edu. All comments are confidential, as the college will not disclose the name of any student that files a complaint.
Q: I want to be a tutor. How do I apply?
If you are interested in working as a Tutor and would like to be considered for a job opening, please contact the office of Student Services at  1-800-922-7337 ext 139 or Email: acdmserv@nycollege.edu.