
Code of Conduct Policy

热点黑料 > Code of Conduct Policy

Student Code of Conduct Policy

Students are members of the College community and are expected to be supportive of fellow students, faculty, staff, administration, and the community at-large. Students enrolling at the College assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the function of the College as an educational institution and as persons in training to become licensed health care professionals.
Adherence to the rules and regulations of the College and adherence to the code of ethics for their respective health care professions form the basis of the Code of Conduct for students at the College.

Another element of the College鈥檚 Code of Conduct is the need for mutual respect, honesty, and confidentiality. Mutual respect implies acting with and treating staff, faculty and fellow students with dignity and politeness. Attention to instructors in class, avoidance of excessive noise and distraction and wearing appropriate attire are all part of mutual respect. Honesty includes presenting oneself in a factual manner and taking responsibility for one鈥檚 actions. Confidentiality is a key factor not only between client and therapist, but also among therapists themselves. Students are expected to treat information received about other students or instructors in the clinic or classroom setting as confidential.

Infractions of the Code may result in disciplinary action (see Disciplinary Procedures). Infractions include
but are not limited to:

鈼 Dishonesty of any kind, including cheating or plagiarism or any form of academic dishonesty

鈼 Falsifying information to New York College, such as forgery, alteration or intentional misuse of
College documents, records, or identifications

鈼 Theft of, or damage to, property, including the property of faculty or other students

鈼 Disorderly, lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct or expression

鈼 Attendance in class while under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotics or drugs or unauthorized possession and/or sale of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, or drugs at the College

鈼 Students who infringe upon the rights of other members of the College community via physical or verbal abuse

鈼 Disruptive conduct in the classroom which precludes the faculty from performing his or her functions or the impacts the learning environment

鈼 Disruptive conduct in the College or towards the College which precludes faculty, staff and/or administration from performing College functions

鈼 Any act that interferes with the normal operation of the College or which adversely affects the student鈥檚 suitability as a member of the College community

鈼 Sexual misconduct, defined as inappropriate sexual overtures or behavior as contained in the professional code of ethics for the healing professions or otherwise in violation of law

鈼 Unauthorized promotion or endorsement of the purchase of specific products or professional services in any school setting

鈼 Solicitation of members of the College community for personal or professional gain

Policy on Cheating and Plagiarism
Cheating and plagiarism are contrary to the purpose of the 热点黑料 and
will be dealt with severely. College students are always expected to behave in an ethical and professional manner. Cheating in any form, therefore, is not tolerated and carries severe penalties that may include dismissal from the program. If a student is caught cheating or misrepresenting the work of others as his or her own, the following procedures will be followed:

1. The student鈥檚 examination will be taken away immediately, and the student automatically receives a grade of zero for that exam.

2. An Incident Report will be filled out by the instructor, detailing the nature of the cheating incident and disclosing the name of the involved party or parties. The Incident Report is submitted to the Office of Student Services.

3. The student will be called to meet with the Office of Student Services to discuss the incident and its possible consequences.

4. A student found cheating on an exam or assignment or submitting plagiarized work may be given a failing grade for the course and/or be subject to further disciplinary action which may include dismissal.

5. Penalties will be determined on an individual basis according to the circumstances of the incident.

6. If the student is permitted to remain in the program, he or she will be placed on disciplinary probation. This type of probation is further described below.

7. Any student who wishes to appeal the decision may do so by following the procedures outlined in the College鈥檚 Grievance and Complaint Procedures.

Illegal Practice of Massage Therapy and/or Acupuncture
The College is committed to educating its students to become the finest health professionals. As with other licensed health care professions, New York State law requires that any person engaging in the practice of Massage Therapy or Acupuncture must be licensed by the State. Students who engage in the illegal practice of any health care activity diminish the value of seeking to obtain licensure, and therefore the training and development that is required for practice.

New York College has set forth the following policy in order to clarify its position on this very important issue:

鈼 Students enrolled in the School of Massage Therapy who do not hold a massage therapy license issued by New York State are not permitted to:

  • Engage in the practice of Massage Therapy on any person, in any situation, or at any time except when part of the College program instruction and held in a College classroom under licensed supervision.
  • Be self-employed or employed by any individual(s), agency, business or institution, whether licensed or unlicensed, for the practice of Massage Therapy.
  • Engage in any form of marketing of such illegal practice.

鈼 Students enrolled in the Graduate School of Oriental Medicine who do not hold an acupuncture license issued by the State of New York are not permitted to:

  • Engage in the practice of Acupuncture on any person, in any situation, or at any time except when part of the College program instruction and held in a College classroom under licensed supervision.
  • Be self-employed or employed by any individual(s), agency, business or institution,
    whether licensed or unlicensed, for the practice of Acupuncture.
  • Engage in any form of advertising of such illegal practice.

Students found to be engaged in such practices will be subject to dismissal from the program.

Dress Code / Personal Hygiene / Grooming

All students鈥 dress on College premises, in classrooms and clinics must reflect acceptable standards as seen in the business and professional health care communities. This excludes informal indoor or outdoor attire as well as styles of clothing that may be considered suggestive within the confines of a professional business atmosphere. Students in improper attire will not be permitted to attend classes or clinic. There will be no exceptions to this policy. Both men and women with long hair must wear their hair pulled back away from their face.

Due to the allergenic nature of perfumes, colognes, shave lotions, hair sprays, and other scented hair products, none of these products may be worn in class or clinic. Students are expected to maintain the highest level of personal cleanliness and hygiene whenever they are providing treatments. Extra care should be taken to have clean, neatly groomed hair, short clean fingernails, and an absence of offensive odors, i.e., cigarette smoke, bad breath, or body odor. Students may not wear open toe shoes or sandals while attending clinic.

Dress Code

  • Didactic Classes (Lectures)

Shirts must have sleeves. No tank tops are permitted. Only finished bottom shorts are allowed. No cutoff or gym shorts are permitted. No spandex bicycle shorts or halter tops are allowed. No exposed midriffs are permitted. Hats of any type are not permitted in the classroom.

  • Technique Classes

Jewelry must be limited to a lightweight watch and unobtrusive neck chains and earrings in all technique classes, so as not to interfere with treatment. Beards and/or mustaches must be kept well-trimmed and neat, and heavy make-up must not be worn. Men and women with long hair should tie it neatly away from the face. Men and women are required to wear white T-shirts/sweatshirt, pants/shorts in all technique classes.

  • Clinic

All student clinicians are required to wear scrubs and sneakers/medical clogs in the clinic. Students in Grand Rounds and Assistantship are to wear BEIGE scrubs and students in Clinic Internship are required to wear NAVY BLUE scrubs. Students who are not dressed appropriately will be asked to leave the clinic area and will not receive credit for their shift. All clinicians are expected to be physically clear and in attire that meets the specifications above. Clinicians are expected to wash their hands with soap
and water before and after treatments and whenever otherwise appropriate. Repeated abuse of the dress code guidelines may result in suspension from the clinic.

  • Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and Yoga Classes

All students are required to wear clean white tops and black long pants with white socks and Tai Chi slippers in Tai Chi and Qi Gong classes. All students are required to bring a yoga mat and are required to wear clean white tops and black long pants in Yoga classes.

Substance Abuse

The College recognizes that the physical and psychological health of its students is threatened by misuse and abuse of drugs and alcohol. It is the responsibility of both the College and its students to maintain a safe, healthy learning environment. For more information regarding counseling and treatment programs, refer to the 鈥淐risis Management鈥 section of this handbook or contact the Office of Student Services

  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program
    • Compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act is a condition of 热点黑料鈥 eligibility to participate in any federal Title IV programs. These include the Pell Grant Program, the Federal Direct Loan Program and the PLUS Program. The following policy has been developed to meet the requirements of this act:
      • Standards of Conduct with Respect to Drugs
      • Students are prohibited from using, possessing and distributing illegal drugs or alcohol while on school grounds or engaged in activities that are part of school programs. This includes arriving under the influence of any of these substances.
      • This policy applies to all students of the College.

鈼 Institutional Sanctions

    • Students discovered in violation of this policy by using or arriving under the influence of these substances will be placed on immediate disciplinary probation and will be required to meet with the Office of Student Services to assess their ability to continue in their program. The procedures for Disciplinary Probation are set forth below. Conditions for continued enrollment may include participation in a drug/alcohol rehabilitation program. Written requirements will be developed, a copy of which will be issued to the student and placed in his or her file.
    • If the student is unable to meet the requirements or conditions imposed on the probation within the time period outlined in the above process, the probation will become an active suspension, and the student may not enter the premises without approval of the College administration. The student will be given no more than one term (i.e., one trimester) to resolve the disciplinary probation process (which includes any active suspension imposed). If during this time, the requirements of the College are still not met, the student may be dismissed from the College.
    • A second offense will result in immediate dismissal from the College. If a student has been dismissed and seeks to reapply to the College, successful completion of a rehabilitation program will be considered.
    • After notification of dismissal, the student may request a hearing or mediation with faculty and administration. The student may request the participation of friends or other students in the hearing. The results of this hearing will be discussed with the student. The College may enter into an agreement with the student setting forth corrective or disciplinary measures that must be followed in order for the student to remain in the College. If the student fails, refuses, or is unable to comply with the specified correction or disciplinary measures, the College shall have the right to terminate the agreement and dismiss the student immediately. The student may be entitled to a tuition refund according to the College鈥檚 refund policy.
    • Students found to have distributed illegal drugs on campus or at activities sponsored by the College will be immediately dismissed.
  • Legal Actions
    • In addition to the institutional sanctions and any other actions the College may pursue, the College may also refer the matter to local, state and/or federal authorities for potential criminal action.

Students Bringing Children to School

The College realizes that many of its students are also parents. However, the College is not able to safely accommodate unsupervised children on the premises. In addition, their presence may cause potential danger to patients using the clinic facilities in the College. As a result, students are not permitted to bring children with them to class or the clinics. Unaccompanied children cannot be left in the student lounges, clinic reception area in offices or on couches throughout any College facilities. Children should not be left unattended in vehicles at any time. Parents are encouraged to prepare for back-up childcare before an emergency arises.

Infectious Conditions / Blood-borne Pathogens

The College endeavors always to protect both the rights of the individual and the well-being of all members of the College community. The College is committed to addressing issues related to blood borne pathogens, such as Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), as well as other communicable infectious diseases, including Tuberculosis (TB), skin infections, and/or other enteric infections. Respect for everyone鈥檚 privacy and confidentiality is expected. The 热点黑料 does not discriminate against students, faculty, administrative staff, or clinic patients based on health status. Students with an infectious condition should consult with the Director of Clinics and/or appropriate program Dean for purposes of clarifying personal risks and special precautions applicable to his or her health and the ability to participate in the school environment. Students with potentially infectious or contagious conditions are required to submit a statement from his/her health care provider verifying and documenting that the condition is not infectious or contagious and that the student may care for clinic patients or participate in technique classes.

The following guidelines for responsible behavior are to be observed. Individual responsibility is paramount to controlling the spread of disease. Any student who engages in unsafe and/or careless practices, which create risks to the health of patients, employees, or other students at the College, shall be subject to disciplinary action. When such actions are brought to the attention of the College, the student may be suspended immediately from all activities pending a full investigation of the matter. All students are obligated to exercise caution and mature judgment in their personal behavior. The procedures listed below are always to be followed:

  • Students are expected to recognize infectious or potentially infectious diseases in themselves and, in particular, to skin infections, respiratory tract infections, blood borne infections and other enteric infections.
  • Anyone who has a highly contagious infection including, but not limited to, chicken pox, measles, strep throat, flu infection, or an infectious skin condition shall not participate in any College activities until the condition has passed the infectious stage. The student with an infectious condition should immediately notify the instructor, the Clinic Director or the program Dean, so that appropriate steps may be taken in a timely manner.
  • In the event of confusion or doubt about a condition or circumstance, Students must consult with the instructor, Clinic Director and/or program Dean immediately. New York College endorses the concept and utilization of universal blood and body fluid precautions, designed to prevent transmission of blood borne infections such as Hepatitis B and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).


  • Draping and Nudity in the Classroom and Clinic
    • The intention of this policy is to comply with the draping and nudity requirements of the Commission on Massage Therapy Training Accreditation and Approval (COMTAA). The policy allows for individual degrees of comfort of both students and clients of the College clinics and provides guidelines for draping and nudity that enhance but do not interfere with the student鈥檚 learning process in the classroom. It is our intention to avoid any behavior that will cause embarrassment to students and/or clients of the College鈥檚 clinics.
    • Draping Standards
      • Proper draping techniques and individual modesty are to be observed and respected at all times. Students and clinic patients are given the option to remove only essential clothing during treatment. As a rule, only the body parts actually being treated are undraped at any time. The body should not be fully uncovered at any time in class or in clinic. Genital areas, gluteal cleavage, and torso are always to be covered.
      • Students are taught to use appropriate draping techniques, to discuss draping policies with patients, to professionally respond to patient/student requests, and to adapt treatment techniques for patients who choose to be partially dressed (e.g., wearing underwear). It is not advisable to work under a drape, which may give a mistaken impression that something is 鈥渨rong鈥 with what is being done, or that it should be hidden in some way.
    • Guidelines Regarding Nudity, Undressing and Dressing
      • Students will be given some degree of privacy when disrobing for practice work in class, and each student鈥檚 sense of modesty should be respected when classmates are undressing to receive treatment. Students are always fully clothed when giving treatment. Complete nudity while dressing or undressing is not permitted in the presence of others.
      • Clinic patients should be instructed to undress privately, while the student therapist is out of the room, and to get onto the table under the drape before the student therapist returns. Likewise, the patient should be instructed to get dressed again once the student therapist leaves the room.

Crime Prevention Policies: Sexual Assault and Bias-Related Crime Prevention

热点黑料 strictly adheres to its policies and procedures related to sexual offenses and other criminal behavior on campus in compliance with New York State Education Law, Art. 129a and with the Federal Campus Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1991 (public law 101- 542, as amended by Public Law 102-26). The Office of Student Services will provide, upon request, all campus crime statistics as reported to the United States Department of Education, www.ope.ed.gov/security. To request this information, contact the Office of Student Services or Human Resources at (516) 364-0808.

At New York College of Health Profession, there is a commitment to the dignity and unique value of each
member of the College community. There is also a commitment to the creation of a civil, safe, and just environment, in which each person can work, learn, and develop to his/her fullest potential.

The following policies and procedures have been created to foster such an environment.

  • 听Sex Offenses and Legal Consequences
    • Section 130 of the New York State Penal Law defines punishable sexual offenses which include the following: Sexual misconduct, rape, criminal sexual acts, forcible touching, sexual abuse, and aggravated sexual abuse.
    • New York State Penal Law imposes penalties ranging from fines to imprisonment for the above sex offenses. If a violation of law occurs on campus, it is also a violation of College code of conduct, and the College may institute administrative proceedings against the offender(s). Such action by the College is independent of, and may proceed parallel with, civil or criminal action.
    • Acquaintance Rape: Sexual assault that occurs between people who know each other is far more common on college campuses than stranger rape. Acquaintance rape is as serious as any other form of rape.
    • Sexual Abuse and/or Assault/Rape: No student shall engage in sexual conduct with another person without effective consent. This includes but is not limited to non- consensual sexual contact and attempted nonconsensual sexual contact. An individual CANNOT GIVE EFFECTIVE CONSENT who is under the age of 17, physically helpless, mentally incapacitated, severely impaired and/or incapacitated because of drug or alcohol intoxication.
    • In addition to any criminal actions taken by authorities, the College reserves the right to investigate and/or make an independent judgment about the continued enrollment of the student or any other actions that should be taken, based on consideration of the overall well-being of the College community.
  • Bias/Hate Crimes
    • In compliance with Section 6436 of the Education Law, the 热点黑料 maintains the following policies and procedures:
      • All actions against persons or property which may be considered bias crimes are always unequivocally prohibited at the College or at any College sponsored activities.
      • Bias crimes also called hate crimes or bias-related crimes may be defined as any form of unlawful harassment or other harmful behavior such as assault which is based on an individual鈥檚 sex, race, national origin, disability, veteran status, or on any individual鈥檚 status in any group or class protected by applicable federal, state, or local law.
      • The criminal activity is motivated by the perpetrator鈥檚 bias or attitude against an individual victim or group based on perceived or actual personal characteristics as enumerated above. The Hate/Bias Crime Reporting Act did not make hate crimes a new category of crime, but rather mandated that all crimes that are judged to be based on racial, religious, ethnic, sexual-orientation, or disability biases must be reported both as hate/bias crimes and under their normal offence categories.
      • The penalties for committing such crimes will include the College reporting the incident to the appropriate authorities for review and potential prosecution. A hate crime is classified as a violent felony offense. The College will also undertake an investigation of the incident, in keeping with the guidelines published in the Student Handbook. The procedures for dealing with bias related crimes will be the same as those outlined below in the Campus Security Policies and Procedures. Counseling and support services for victims of bias related crime will be provided or an appropriate referral made to outside agencies.
  • Reporting Sexual Assault or Bias-Related Crime
    • It is the responsibility of all members of the College community to report incidents or sexual assault or bias-related crimes. Anyone who is aware that a crime has been committed at the College or believes that a crime is about to be committed should report it immediately.
    • All students are encouraged to read the Campus Security Report, including Campus Security Policies and Procedures found in the Student Handbook.


It is the policy of 热点黑料 that respect for the individual in the College community requires that amorous or sexual relationships not be conducted by persons in unequal positions. Relationships between individuals in inherently unequal positions may undermine the real or perceived integrity of the supervision and evaluation process, as well as affect the trust inherent in the educational environment.

The College considers it inappropriate for any member of the faculty, administration, or staff to establish an intimate relationship with a student, subordinate, or colleague upon whose academic or work performance he or she will be required to make professional judgments. The College considers it a violation of this policy for any member of the faculty, administration, or staff to offer or request sexual favors, make sexual advances, or engage in sexual conduct, consensual or otherwise, with a person who is: currently enrolled or could be enrolled in a future class taught by the faculty member or administrator; receiving academic advising or mentoring from the faculty member or administrator; working for the faculty member, administrator or staff; subject to any form of evaluation by the faculty member, administrator or staff.

Please be advised that the above list is illustrative and not exhaustive and other situations of fraternization may also result in a violation of this policy. In all such circumstances, consent may not be considered a defense against a charge of a violation under this policy. The determination of what constitutes a violation of this policy depends on the specific facts and the context within which the conduct occurs and will be made solely by the College.

Teaching and research fellows, doctoral and graduate assistants, tutors, interns, adjuncts, and any other students who perform work-related functions for the College are also subject to this policy.

Reviewed 2023 07