Herbal Dispensary

ÈȵãºÚÁÏ > Herbal Dispensary

Our on-site Herbal Dispensary sells custom made herbal treatments from Chinese raw herbs as well as Chinese patent herbs, granulated powders, topical analgesics and Western supplements. 

1-800-922-7337 ext. 541

Meeting all your herbal needs
  • Chinese Raw Herbs – over 350 varieties
  • Chinese Patent Herbs – pill form
  • Granulated Powders – 250 formulas/250 singles
  • Topical Analgesics – Liniment, Oils, Creams based on TCM formulas.
  • Western Supplements – Herbal & Vitamins featuring brands such as Tyler, Metagenics,  Davinci, Phytopharmica
  • Private Herbal Consultations – with experienced professionals or supervised student herbal clinic )

Phone & fax orders accepted. Alternatively, you can come in and speak with our manager about your specific needs.

Additional Information:
  • Orders mailed to any location for a small additional fee
  • Herbal Extractor on-premise offering pre-cooked and vacuum sealed liquid formulas